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The CORP(u)S Horror Journey was a bloody success!

From Jan. 31 through Feb. 4, 2024, CORPUS ''Journey Through the Human Body'' featured the CORP(u)S Horror Journey. Hundreds of horror and gaming enthusiasts took a blood-curdling "journey" through the human body. Despite the tension and all the screaming, all the visitors managed to make it through the story and get away unscathed.

Horror and gaming enthusiasts saw the giant human figure come to life due to a technical glitch during CORPUS' renovation. From that moment on, CORP(u)S controlled the construction workers and employees present in the building. CORP(u)S wanted to be a real person at all costs, but was missing body parts and devised the CORP(u)S Horror Journey as a criminal plan! Sparing nothing or no one and deprived of their own will, construction workers and employees sought body parts for CORP(u)S. They hounded everyone and tried to steal limbs from the visitors. Still, all visitors managed to solve the game and defeat CORP(u)S. Consequently, the temporary concept was well received by the visitors.

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